Explosion-proof electrical appliances insulation parts
The explosion-proof electrical appliances also need to use epoxy sheet. The explosion-proof electrical appliances give people the feeling of danger. G10 epoxy plate is specifically used for the insulation fittings of explosion-proof electrical appliances. The high temperature resistance of G10 epoxy sheet is not as good as that of G11 insulation sheet, and the flame retardant performance is not as practical as that of FR-4 insulation board. What is the reason for the use of G10 epoxy sheet in explosion-proof appliances?
Explosion-proof electrical appliances also belong to the scope of electrical equipment, mainly used in places with explosive dangerous gas. Explosion-proof electrical appliances are more than one. According to the application occasion, there can be explosion-proof starter, explosion-proof control box, explosion-proof lamps and explosion-proof alarm electrical appliances. In the explosion-proof control box, the G10 epoxi plate should act as the protective role of the shell to protect the internal circuit breaker, contactor, thermal relay and transfer switch and other components. We know that G10 epoxy plates are also used in circuit breakers.
Although G10 material properties do not have the high temperature resistance of G11 epoxy plate, it is second only to G11 epoxy sheet. It has relatively high temperature resistance among epoxy plates. G10 epoxy plate can completely maintain good mechanical properties at high temperature.
G10 epoxy plate ZTelec Group produces is mainly aqua green, welcome for inquiry.